Sunday, January 15, 2012

I Will Survive...

For those of you who know me, hello my friends!  For those of you who don't, welcome and I hope you find this helpful, entertaining or perhaps both.  I felt compelled to begin this journey into blogging for several reasons;
1:  To keep all of our friends and family actively engaged in our life abroad.
2:  To give myself a place to vent and rejoice in what I am sure will be an experience of a lifetime.
3:  To perhaps give a little insight for the next family in our shoes.

And what exactly are "Our Shoes"?   " Our Shoes" are moving from Houston, Texas to Fort McMurray, Alberta, CANADA.  In less than 1 month we have gone from a settled family living in Houston for over 3 years(which is something of a record) to negotiating employment terms, putting our house on the market and basically throwing our home into complete chaos.

My title for this post is the current theme song of my life.  "I Will Survive...".  The process of moving to another country is the most challenging thing that I have ever done.  Every day I wake up I feel like a general going into battle and at the end of the day I fall into bed knowing that the war is far from over. 

The biggest battle...sadness.  Everything will get done and we will wind up in Canada at the end of it all, but the leaving is brutal.  This week everyone in our house has ended up in tears over something related to leaving our life here.  We have been so blessed to have our time here filled with good friends and wonderful experiences.  I can only hope that the next stop on our journey will be as kind to us.


  1. I can't wait to read about all your upcoming adventures. I love you all.

  2. I truly believe that you are approaching this move in the right frame of mind.... AS AN ADVENTURE. It will be something that most people don't get to do especially at the ages that Chloe, Jackson and Aila are. It will be an eye-opener, but at the same time something they will carry with them for their entire life. We hope to be able to come and visit as soon as we feasibly can.

    Remember that we (all of your family and friends) are here for you and I know I am looking forward to sharing your adventure with you.

