This Mother's Day is a unique one, it is the first in our new country, coming in on the heels of the most stressful move we have ever made. I have been guilty of letting the stress get to me and I am afraid I have spent time on frustration and sadness that would have been better spent with my kids. This year I am choosing to use Mother's Day as my New Year's. I resolve to count my blessings instead of my disappointments.
I am so blessed to have three beautiful and amazing children. Every day they give me a reason to be the very best version of myself. Even when the best version of me is decked out in sweats, I have the best job on earth. My children have taught me so much, if I teach them half as much as they have taught me, I will have been a success. They have taught me the value of patience, to find joy in the small things, to take life a day at time, to love without measure...I could go on for days. They are my greatest pleasure.
To see my list of Reasons I Love Being a Mom click below.